

“My model for business is The Beatles.

They balanced each other and the total was greater than the sum of the parts.

That's how I see business: great things in business are never done by one person, they're done by a team of people.”


“Il mio modello di business sono i Beatles.

Si bilanciavano l’uno con l’altro e il totale era molto meglio della somma delle parti.

E’ così che vedo gli affari: le cose migliori non sono mai fatte da una sola persona, ma da un gruppo.”


(Steve Jobs)


Like the best construction companies it relies on his staff to the presence of professionals of great value and reliability; if necessary, actively cooperates with external professional technical studies, to be able to bring you more and the highest competence in every sector, working according to policy, and compliance with existing rules so as to achieve a high level final result, valid and safe in every respect view.

Carpi Roberto

Carpi Lorenzo

Zerbinato Umberto

Rizzi Chiara

CEO Chief Executive Officer

COO Chief Operating Officer 

Technical Director

Office Manager




Financial Partner

Veneto Banca Spa

Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Spa

Banca Intesa San Paolo Spa